Infoseite // My first edited video and its target misconduct ^ ^

Frage von Asjoker:


I am a grad s.lernen understand how it all with the video editing funzt. Have Adobe After Effects CS3 and try the video NEN more film-look (what a surprise ^ ^) sources.

That is my first result of:

Hab einen gelben Fotofilter rein gemacht and with Farbbalance+Farbton/Sättigung+Kurven+Belichtung+Heilligkeit and Kontrast rumgespielt. (Das Video hab ich of YouTube geholt, da ich (noch) keine guten Camcorders habe.

Eigentlich (noch) für den ersten Versuch ganz ok, aber wenn man bedenkt das es eigentlich so(->) werden sollte ist es schon ein bischen bescheiden geworden. This was the goal:

Hätte jetzt folgende Fragen:

Can you identify what has changed s.zweiten Picture? What tricks have been used, etc.?

Can you give me general tips? Do you know for example where I &

Hätte jetzt folgende Fragen:

financial free photo filter or the like, I can do myself? Or how I can still play around but I get good picture?

I'm totally new to the area, so it would be nice if you explain every technical word could ^ ^. I want (in addition to many items) so the colors make orange. So just as in its dramatic war scene at sunset, on the one really nice Page gloomy orange light.

This all does not go through post-production I know. And I do not synonymous such notorious after the button, but I will just inform about video editing, because I usually drift and am totally confused because of the large topic area.


Antwort von robbie:

the second building ... looks like sepia and one of those magic bullet movie looks ...

Otherwise, unfortunately, no tips, because no time ... ;)


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